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(The Haunting)

Sad Miracle is the new single off

ALL THEM GHOSTS (out. Oct.29 2021)

She (the Haunting) is a weird take on the story of Baba Yaga - Out Oct.15th


"Smoky Americana"

"A smokey feel that's just what we need" Lauren Laverne, BBC

"Stunning" Popdose

"One hell of a songwriter"
Global Texan Chronicles

SHE_Paulineandres copy.jpg



FRIDAY, OCT. 29 2021




Smoky Americana” - Pop Matter

Like a Lynchian lullaby – all brooding menace, and dark-eyes girls in riding boots. With guns.” - Lost at E Minor

Stunning” - PopDose


Nashville, Tenn. Oct. 2nd 2021 - Originally recorded and released in 2014 in Berlin, Germany, ALL THEM GHOSTS was a collection of (real) stories of loss, domestic violence, gypsy legends and everyday life in a coal mining town on the Franco-German border. The album received rave reviews from across the world and Andres hit the road with her band, collecting fans on the way and moving to Nashville, where she reinvented herself as a producer and eventually took down and buried her first born album. A fitting destiny for a record she and her band knew was “cursed” from the start.


7 years later, the new version of ALL THEM GHOSTS is being released with all new vocal takes recorded in Nashville, TN and a bonus pro-choice Americana ballad “SAD MIRACLE” telling the very personal yet universal story of Andres’ struggle to get an abortion in the American South.

At its core, and beyond the Southern Gothic atmosphere ALL THEM GHOSTS is a deeply feminist record. The title track “All Them Ghosts” tells the story of Andres’ immigrant grandmothers who suffered brutal domestic violence and humiliations, while “Sweet Fortune Tellin’ Ma’” is an ode to her Tarot reading and witch doctor mother. “She” is a commanding re-imagined monologue spoken by Baba Yaga herself - a spooky nod to Andres’ Eastern European and gypsy heritage. All songs celebrate female heroes, from witches to scorned lovers, healers to survivors.


Sonically, the new version of ALL THEM GHOSTS is a fantastic patchwork of smooth and dark guitars, violins, accordion, sultry vocals and in the midst of all that darkness always lurks Andres’ inextinguishable Faith and dry wit, making the record stand with a signature sound and mood instantly recognizable.


Andres is currently busy working on several feature films, documentaries (including “Breaking Free”, which premiered at the Nashville Film Festival on Oct. 2nd) and collaborating with various artists in town including Shannon LaBrie, O.N.E The Duo or Flight Attendant and has a fully electronic album in the works for 2022 after her successful 2020 experiment “Til The End of the World”, which got her serious press accolades including electronic press authority Tonspion (DE) describing her as “an amazing new talent”.


Born in France a coal miner’s daughter, Pauline Andres made a name for herself with a sweet and  smoky voice that “perfectly conveys the thoughts and observations of an old soul walking home at  closing time.” 

She grew up in a family of mainly Hungarian and Balkan descent by the Franco-German border in  a town where the local dialect was more common than the official language. Caught between the  fun of it all and the harsh personal and social truths that lead to such an environment, Andres  started taking notes.  

She wrote her first song in broken English at the age of 8 and eventually learned what would be  her third language by translating lyrics with her mom; a free, creative spirited tarot reader who  always encouraged her daughter to do what she had to. That would include moving to several  countries without knowing how to pay rent, forming bands, doing odd jobs, getting heartbroken  and leaving town to start over again. “My mom has always encouraged me to follow my dreams.  Where I come from, that was truly incredibly brave.” 

Andres’ nonchalant style serves an inclination for ordinary suffering and every day  disappointments combined with subtle literary references. Her lyrics are inspired by 3am drunks  as much as they are by Lovecraft novels. She survived life threatening diseases, accidents of life,  always cracking a joke and writing a verse or two. But in the darkness, there is always a little light,  a hope the songstress holds dear to her heart and songwriting. 


It is the positive reception of The Heart Breaks in the US, that made her decide to move to  Nashville, TN and focus more on working as a songwriter and producer. There, she released her  3rd LP Fearless Heart, telling the story of leaving the one home she thought she had found in  Berlin to move to America. During the recording, Andres lost her voice to a severe infection. It  wouldn’t be back for almost two years. In the meantime, she reinvented herself producer and  engineer.  

She is currently working on several new projects in Nashville, TN including the re-release of All  Them Ghosts, as well as a synth pop project while collaborating with directors and musicians in  town. 


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